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Creative Density was honored to be featured by the Denver Post article ‘Out of the office: Co-working spaces provide community, productivity.’  Emilee Rusch interviewed several coworkers ranging from remote workers to freelancers for the article and many of their beautiful faces showed up in print. Everyone looks great.

The article mostly focuses on the isolation that can occur when working alone by yourself in the coffee shop or home office. Bruce is quoted several times in the article about his mind-numbing experience as a freelance writer before join the Creative Density commuity. As many of us know this is not all uncommon and the reason why coworking got started. Emilee does a great job of focusing on the benefit of being around people and how inclusive coworking beyound just the startup scene, which gets most of the attention it seems. I recommend everyone check out the article. She has a companion article with 6 steps about finding the right coworking space.