
Two Costly Mistakes Coworking Operators Make Before They Open

Two Costly Mistakes Coworking Operators Make Before They Open In the dynamic realm of coworking, it’s not uncommon for newcomers to view it as a simple “build it and they will come” property venture akin to self-storage or apartment complexes. Many...
Establishing a Coworking Culture; Think Dorms, Not Apartments.

Establishing a Coworking Culture; Think Dorms, Not Apartments.

Regardless of trends coworking is about fostering openness. Just because coworking is now over 90% private offices doesn’t mean it’s  become all about glass prison cells for workers. As an owner or community manager you can avoid this fate of developing a stale,...
Is this a good property for coworking? 17 questions to ask

Is this a good property for coworking? 17 questions to ask

Coworking can be successful in most locations if you have a large community built up and they are willing to go there. However, most coworking spaces start with an initial group of 10 and expect others to join over time and location will be an important factor in...
6 lessons I Learned From Opening a Coworking Space in Mongolia

6 lessons I Learned From Opening a Coworking Space in Mongolia

A year ago this month, I landed at Ghangis Khan International Airport to help open one of Mongolia’s first coworking spaces. Traveling to Ulaanbaatar was the culmination of a four-month long consulting project between myself, my fellow cowork consultant Angel and a...
Coworking vs. Office Space: What’s the Right Mix?

Coworking vs. Office Space: What’s the Right Mix?

When the coworking industry started in in the mid-2000s, most coworking owners were against creating closed-off offices in their spaces. Offices were perceived as ‘the man’ creeping into our chaotic perfect world of open and collaborative coworking communities. The...