Coworking News and Happenings
Denver’s blog about coworking and freelancing

Get to know your coworker, Katherine!
When do you move to Colorado and why? April 2013. I was sick of life in NY and was contemplating either Denver or San Francisco, which I had heard were both awesome and I knew had thriving education reform movements. What do you do? I have a consulting business...
Get to know your coworker, Rachel!
Get to know your coworker is a new series where we ask members of Creative Density questions. It's a new outlet for us to get to know each other in a longer form that is different than Friday lunches or washers. Side note, Rachel is no longer with Creative Density...
It’s the Simple Things that Build a Our Community
Last month, I went to my fifth coworking conference and I noticed the same questions about building a coworking community echoing again, as they continues to do on the Google Coworking Group. The same answers seem to repeat themselves (networking, beer:30, meetup...
Food and games make coworking more than a seat to work
Do you love board games? How about a food pot luck? We think they both are awesome ways to get together to show off some cooking skills and engage in some friendly dice contact. On May 12th we had our first Your Turn! Board Game Night and had way too much food, beer,...
How Coworking Gave Me the Fuzzies
I’m a remote worker. It’s often a position that people in offices envy. I get to sleep in late sometimes and no one notices or I can watch TV while sitting on a boring conference call. That’s what people write about. However, what I miss is being able to walk around...
The Denver Posts celebrates freelancers and coworking!
Creative Density was honored to be featured by the Denver Post article 'Out of the office: Co-working spaces provide community, productivity.' Emilee Rusch interviewed several coworkers ranging from remote workers to freelancers for the article and many of their...
Holiday Hours
Creative Density will be member access only until January 2nd when we will be back to normal hours. If you have questions please feel free to contact us via email or phone from the contact page. Happy Holidays!
How We Get Around Without Cars
We don’t hide the fact that we are huge fans of the collaborative economy. It’s in our name; co(llaborative)working! Over the last two years we’ve been grabbing more B-cycles as they surrounded us with 3 stations, unlocking nomadic Car2Gos that drift around the city,...
The Case! on Sept. 3 is a chance to stretch your strategy thinking
Creative Density members, Bryan is dying to get this started, are starting a new strategy group where we discuss a business case study from one of the leading universities. On September 3rd the series kicks off with a case from MIT's Sloan School of Business about...
How We Made Creative Density People First:
How we made Creative Density People First: We started with a community first and then got a space. The members were involved on the early decisions of the space, the location, and what our vision was from the very start. The space...
It’s Coworking BBQ and Potluck time. July 22nd at 6
When: July 22 at 6PM Where: City Park by the Playground What to bring: A snack or dessert you love and are willing to share. Creative Density will bring the meat, buns, and beer. Who: All Creative Density members, their family, and their special someones Why? We love...
Justin launches a new KickStater Campaign
He's at it again. Coworker Justin Schaffer has launched his second Kickstarter campaign for his board game company, Terra Nova Games. The new crowd-funding campaign follows a year after we all watched his first game succeed and was successfully shipped at the end of...
Large Corporations Engage with the Community and Drive Innovation with Coworking
Why this is cool: Corporations like Sprint and Coca-Cola are repurposing space to be used as a coworking space for their workers and the public. It starts as a way to give back to their local community. Local entrepreneurs and remote workers use the space to...
Denver Coworking Starts May 12th!
Denver Coworking Week 2014 starts next week at Creative Density. This is Denver Coworks' second annual celebration of our communities and the freedom that the coworking movement supports. This year we are offerings a new focus each day on a type of workers with free...
Top 5 Job Resources for Denver Freelancers
Becoming a freelancer is simultaneously one of the most freeing and frightening life adventures you will ever be a part of. In time, you grow a strong and refreshing client source that allows you to leap from exciting project to exciting project. You feel yourself a...