Coworking News and Happenings
Denver’s blog about coworking and freelancing

We added a podcasting studio!
You and your business have story to share. Now you have no more excuses. Hit Record. Last month we launched a new podcasting studio that is open to members and the public. We worked with a professional sound engineer (Thanks Ryan Estes of TalkLaunch!) and the good...
As coworking adds more offices there is BIG a hidden benefit for freelancers and remote workers
As more coworking spaces have more offices it doesn’t mean that remote workers and freelancers that built the industry are being left behind. There is actually a hidden benefit.
Establishing a Coworking Culture; Think Dorms, Not Apartments.
Regardless of trends coworking is about fostering openness. Just because coworking is now over 90% private offices doesn’t mean it’s become all about glass prison cells for workers. As an owner or community manager you can avoid this fate of developing a stale,...
How we got from the rooftop of the Irish Rover
When we first started Creative Density in late 2010 we went by the generic and Microsoft-ty but SEO friendly name, Denver Coworking (URL, We eventually became Creative Density in mid-2011 but the online real estate .com was taken by a graphic...
Be a coworking model! Wednesday Dec. 6th
Have you ever wanted to be a model? Do you love coworking? Oh my gosh! Your worlds have smashed together like butter and mashed potatoes. On Wednesday at 3PM we are FINALLY redoing our website photos after six and a half years. Yep, we have been that long. Yes, we...
Is this a good property for coworking? 17 questions to ask
Coworking can be successful in most locations if you have a large community built up and they are willing to go there. However, most coworking spaces start with an initial group of 10 and expect others to join over time, and the location will be an important factor in...
6 lessons I Learned From Opening a Coworking Space in Mongolia
A year ago this month, I landed at Ghangis Khan International Airport to help open one of Mongolia’s first coworking spaces. Traveling to Ulaanbaatar was the culmination of a four-month long consulting project between myself, my fellow cowork consultant...
Coworking vs. Office Space: What’s the Right Mix?
When the coworking industry started in in the mid-2000s, most coworking owners were against creating closed-off offices in their spaces. Offices were perceived as ‘the man’ creeping into our chaotic perfect world of open and collaborative coworking...
Podcasts that make us laugh, ponder, and get motivated.
Podcasts seem to be the latest rage as blogs and Youtube videos become the norm. The community at Creative Density has been well ahead of this trend with some of us listening to podcasts since 2004. I guess we are just cutting edge individuals. This doesn’t mean we...
Creative Density successfully raises enough for innovative marketing campaign for independent coworking
‘We’re using the coworking collaborative philosophy to unlock marketing data so the independent coworking movement can grow in the face of national brands.’ - Craig Baute Craig Baute and the Creative Density team are taking...
How I Got My First Denver Job In 60 Days Without Applying
I should just say it. Because I know you want to say the same thing. I wish we could be in the same room so I could dare you to shout it together with me: “Job searching sucks” because it just does. You have to picture this: I’m sitting in my...
USA Today names Creative Density top coworking spot in Denver for travelers and locals
Creative Density has be named by USA Today as the top coworking in Denver for people that just moved to Denver or are passing through. They describe our friendly community as an authentic Denver gather spot for professionals with a casual vibe and highlights our two...
Creative Density is Remote Workers’ Favorite Coworking Space
If you've made the decision to freelance, or your job finally gave you permission to work remotely, congratulations! Self-employment and remote work are two of the best ways to find freedom, flexibility, and balance in your work life. There's nothing better than being...
New offices becoming available in Uptown and Capitol Hill
We have two offices becoming available in our main campus in Uptown. They are good small team offices for people from one to four people and they rent for $750 to $850 a month. The best part of claiming one of these offices for your Denver team is that they are part...
Creative Density launches on DeskPass
We are excited to announce that Craig Baute, Creative Density’s owner, has helped launch a new coworking passport in Colorado called DeskPass. It’s a new mobile coworking membership for people that are coworking curious or need to be able to access spaces all around...